MSA PAH President's Newsletter

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Dr. Arnold Sikhakhane

  • Acknowledgment:

    Thank you to Bob Cheyne, our past President for his tireless, exemplary and insightful leadership. He set the foundation and structure for future MSA presidents. I hope to continue building and working diligently as a team with all of our fellow colleagues.

  • MSA Executive:
    I have taken on the role of MSA President for the year 2020. Dr. Martin Lebl is the President-Elect and also the Chair of the Facility Engagement for the year 2020. Dr. Sean Rose is in line to be President-Elect and Facilities Engagement Chair in 2021. Dr. Jerrod Hendry is the treasurer and Dr. Jane Wu is responsible for membership and running of the PAH medical staff website.

  • Facilities Engagement:
    The purpose of Facility Engagement at Peace Arch Hospital is to strengthen the relationships between the health authority and the physicians. In all, to improve our MSA work environment and improve patient care. During 2019, Dr. Cheyne helped to establish a reference, application structure and much more for Facility Engagement – all available on the PAHMSA website under the FE tab. The working group used to meet periodically to approve projects. However, due to poor attendance, it was decided to dissolve this and expand the executive body. The current executive body includes MSA executives plus Dr. Mildred Chang, Dr. Sonia Singh, Dr. Ashdin Tavaria. There is an open invitation to any physician who is interested in joining the FE executive team to please contact FE manager Sooky Moore: The meetings for this coming year will be March 30, June 29 and September 28, 2020.

  • Medical Rounds:
    Under the Facilities Engagement banner, we have successfully hosted our first evening formal multidisciplinary rounds on February 13, 2020. Thank you to Dr. Herman Kwan, Dr. Mark Turner and Dr. Mildred Chang for their excellent presentations. The buffet was delicious. The cherry on top was that in the end, you have the option of claiming either CME points or reimbursement from Facility Engagement for your attendance. The next medicalroundswilltakeplaceonMay14attheRotaryFieldHouse.Wehopetoseeyouallthere.Please note that all departments are expected to prepare one presentation annually.

    • Hello-Goodbye:
      Also under the banner of Facility Engagement was a successful event held February 22, 2020. This is a meaningful celebration of new and retiring physicians in the community.

  • MSA Dues: Dr. Jane Wu is responsible for our membership, particularly those with active privileges at Peace Arch Hospital. As per our bylaws, all active members are required to pay their dues annually. It’snowmucheasierasyoucan pay directly at the website: You can also select recurring payments where you will be charged annually on March 29. Currently, medical dues are $200 by April 1st.

  • MSA Social Update:
    An update on two families that were sponsored through the MSA funds that were allocated during the C h r i s t m a s s e a s o n . A s i n g l e m o m a n d h e r f o u r - y e a r - o l d a n d a f a m i l y o f f i v e . D r . R u m m y D o s a n j h w a s i n c o n ta c t through the school board. We supported them with gift cards for groceries, toys and stocking stuffers for each child. They were extremely appreciative and grateful for MSA kindness.

  • MSA Presidents’ Council Meeting:
    MSA Presidents Council met on January 22, 2020, at Meadow Gardens Golf Course in Pitt Meadows. This is a meeting of all of the MSA Presidents in the Fraser Health Authority. The meeting was co-chaired by Dr. Raymond Dong and Dr. Dayan Muthayan. One of the topics raised was that of physician wellbeing. Physician wellbeing is becoming an increasingly vital aspect of health care delivery in the Fraser Health Authority. The Charter for Physician Wellbeing was published in April 2018 (JAMA Vol 319, Issue 15, pp 1541-2). It outlines four guiding principles and seven commitments. The commitments are divided into those that are societal, organizational and personal. We hope FHA will become a signatory organization to this important document.