MSA PAH President's Newsletter
Our next medical staff meeting is scheduled for September 9/19, I would encourage all medical staff members to attend.
Some items to highlight for the upcoming meeting: Kathy McIntyre is on sick leave for six months, and assuming her position as Project Manager is Sooky Moore. She will continue as our FE administrator (email here). Dr. Arno Sikhkhane has volunteered to be the President-Elect whose responsibilities will be chairing the FE meeting as well as oversight for our Facility Engagement. As such, he will need to be formally nominated and approved by the medical staff on September 9.
On that note, we are still in the process of seeking our next President-Elect for the year 2020. The FE group, specifically the working group will now meet only four times a year, a significant reduction from monthly meetings. To date, the attendance has been rather poor; and for those who are involved, if you wish not to continue please indicate to Sooky, and inform your department head. It is the responsibility of the department to ensure a replacement for this particular working group.
Additionally, the executive of the FE has oversight for projects which will reduce some of the workloads for our working group. Over the past several years we have produced a number of very successful projects through our FE and are encouraging all departments to participate as actively as possible.
At our next medical staff meeting, a template for projects will be briefly reviewed for your reference. In addition, I would like to acknowledge an individual who has shown tremendous interest in a number of different projects at the Medical Staff meeting on September 9.
Our website is up and running, the uptake by the medical staff is approximately 20%, again I remind you that MSA dues are paid through the website ( I must re-emphasize that in order to maintain hospital privileges, dues must be paid according to Fraser Health by law section 8.6.1. For the department heads, I request typed reports for the medical staff meeting in September, submitted to Michael Scott. A notice will be sent in advance reminding you of the required reports for the Medical Staff meeting.
Lastly, through our funds from FE, a medical staff barbecue and fun event is to be held on September 28 from 11 AM to 5 PM at Sunnyside Hall in Bakerview Park. This is a great opportunity for the medical staff and their families to get together, should be lots of fun, games, and activities planned, food and beverages provided, quite possibly some prizes. Looking forward to seeing you on September 9.