FE Program Overview


Facility Engagement is a provincial initiative that aims to strengthen relationships, engagement and communication between health authorities and facility-based physicians, to improve their work environment and the delivery of patient care with:

  1. Improved opportunities for physicians and health authority leaders to work together to share knowledge and make informed decisions that can improve patient care, the physician experience, and the cost-effectiveness of the health care system.

  2. Opportunities and support for physicians who work at facilities and are members of the medical staff to develop a meaningful voice, and increase involvement in local activities that affect their work and patient care.

  3. Funding to support activities that involve physicians in decision-making, and:

    - Pay for physicians' time in activities.

    - Hire expertise to support the physician activities (e.g. a coordinator for administrative support; an analyst to track issues, develop business cases and manage projects; a physician lead to support engagement activities).

  • An MSA can establish a representative voice for the medical staff at a site by creating a physician society to accept funds, and a working committee with participation from across the facility to oversee activities. It can then gather input and help identify and prioritize issues of importance for the medical staff and advance a short-list of priorities to the leadership of the health authority through existing avenues such as the Medical Advisory Committee, or any other forum dedicated to addressing issues in a facility.

    Physicians may seek to find better ways to communicate with each other. Funding can be used to compensate a physician champion, develop a strategy and trial new methods.

    The leadership of a health authority or MSA may seek to solve a problem that spans a number of departments. The issue can be discussed by the MSA for input or advice.

    A capital build project may need to have physician input on the development of new facilities or the re-design of existing buildings. Funding could support physicians to participate in a consultation process.

    Physicians may want to use funding to help support new quality improvement initiatives within their facility.





  • Use this link to claim your hours.

    For expenses, submit your receipt through this link.

    Your name must be attached to a project for you to submit your claims.

    For physicians participating in workshops, you can submit your hours here.

    Submit Claims here