Project title
Project champion(s)
Contact number
Contact email
Estimated project timeframe
Total funding requested
There are physician Quality Improvement (QI) Consultants experienced in helping physicians with their QI projects.
I would like to be connected with a QI physician consultant to help with this project
1. Purpose of Project:
What do you hope to achieve? What are you trying to accomplish?
2. Has anyone else already done this type of project or is currently engaged in such a project?
3. How will your project contribute to Physician Engagement?
4. Establish clear objectives of the project that is central to determining the activity's success.
5. Please identify all areas that the project will impact
Acceptability (e.g.,decision-making, interpersonal communication)
Access (e.g., timely access, equitable access, accommodation/barriers)
Appropriate/Effectiveness(e.g., best practices, scope of practice, unnecessary care)
Efficiency (e.g., cost avoidance, practice/procedural efficiency)
Engagement & Collaboration (e.g., physician engagement and leadership, health system collaboration, alignment)
Quality Improvement(e.g., learning and quality improvement culture, improving existing internal processes, practices, costs or productivity)
Integration (e.g.,care coordination, information sharing, team functioning)
Safety (e.g., adverse events, infection prevention/control)
Spread & Sustainability
All of the above
None of the above
6. Identify which of the following Memorandum of Understanding objectives are most relevant to the activity:
Issues of importance to the medical staff.
Consultation on significant decisions affecting physicians and the delivery of physician services.
To improve the working environment and relationships among the medical staff so that their views are more effectively represented.
Building a culture that supports physician advocacy for patients and changes to the health care system.
Building lines of communication with health administrators, other physicians and allied health professionals.
Consultation on Health Authority's planning, budgeting and resource allocation directly affecting the medical staff.
Physician access to processes and resources that provide timely feedback on quality levels and variations of clinical care.
Quality Improvement projects, including quality assurance projects, identified by the Health Authority, Local Medical Structure (ie Physician Society), Joint Clinical Committees or other.
Other quality and cost improving opportunities (ie not quality improvement projects).
7. Indicate how/if the HA has been/will be informed of the activity, consulted with, involved, and/or a collaborative partner, as applicable.
This project would benefit from HA involvement as it requires input, data, implementation, financial or in-kind resources, etc.
I need help finding the appropriate HA contacts.
I am aware of the appropriate HA contacts and have included them below.
Health Authority contacts (if known)
Please include Full Name, Title, Department, Contribution
8. Does this project align with an identified HA strategic priority? If yes, please check from below:
access to family physicians and primary care in many communities;
providing access to child and youth mental health services and effectively treating some adult patients with moderate to severe mental illnesses and/or addictions;
proactively responding to the needs of the frail elderly who may require complex medical supports and assistance with activities of daily living in order to remain living in the community;
addressing emergency department congestion in some large hospitals,
managing long wait times for some specialists;
increasing volumes of diagnostic imaging;
increasing elective surgeries;
improving access to inpatient beds in some hospitals;
responding to the needs of residential care residents requiring dementia care.
9. How does this quality improvement project address gaps in the current quality of care delivered to patients? What changes are you hoping to make that will result in an improvement in the current care gap?
10. Describe the anticipated outcomes and/or the impact to health care delivery.
11. Describe the quality improvement plan: including the question to be answered, objectives, evaluation framework, who, what, where and how. Explain what data will be collected and include any data collection tools to be used (such as interview guides, questionnaires, administrative data sets).
12. How will you measure the success of the project? How will you know that a change will be an improvement?
13. Describe your team member’s roles, including collaborations with other Fraser Health members or external partners.
14. Provide a description of any knowledge dissemination plan that could ensure maximum impact following the completion of the QI project.
15. Provide a timeline of your project. Insert or attach a timeline table that demonstrates graphically when all major activities will occur.
Physician Meetings: Sessionals
Physicians Meetings: Meals and Venue
Physicians Meetings: Travel / Mileage
Administration: Rate x hours
Administration: Office Supplies
Project Management: Rate x hours
Evaluation: Evaluation and provincial reporting
Total Requested